• Masks are now optional, but certain providers here may request you wear a mask during your service. We are happy to wear a masks if that allows you to be more comfortable. If you (or anyone around you) have had a cough, fever, or any other symptoms of sickness, let us know immediately so we can reschedule your appointment. Anyone exhibiting symptoms in the spa will be denied service. If you develop symptoms in the following two weeks after your session notify us as soon as possible. These precautions help keep us safe, and all other clients we come in contact with (including you!). Please remember we work on all populations and many people who enter may be immune compromised, pregnant, elderly, etc. If we all take necessary actions we can better protect each other! Your comfort, health, and safety is our priority. text goes here

  • 24 hour advance notice is required when canceling an appointment. If you are unable to give the 24 hour notice (or fail to contact me at all) you may be charged for your missed appointment, and future service may be denied. If service is pre-paid, the same policy applies. Appointment times have been arranged specifically for you, and we do our best to honor and respect them, so please do the same! If you arrive late, your session may be shortened in order to accommodate following appointments. Depending upon how late you arrive, it will be determined if there is enough time remaining to start a treatment (15 minutes after is typically the cut off time). Regardless of the length of the treatment given, you will be responsible for the full session, however we will do our best to satisfy the scheduled time. Out of respect and consideration of your service provider, and other clients, please plan your visit accordingly. Please arrive five to ten minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow time for parking, using the restroom, consult, and filling out an intake form if needed. If you arrive sooner than the above mentioned time frame, the front door may be locked if it is outside of our shop hours, as we are by appointment only.

  • All services are therapeutic in nature. Any inappropriate behavior, violence, disrespect, or sexual advancements will not be tolerated and will be reported to the authorities immediately, where legal action will be taken. If a situation occurs during session, it will be terminated and the client will be responsible for full service value, and denied future service.

    Please refrain from any alcohol or drug use before session.

    If you are sick, or have any contagious conditions please inform us as soon as you can before your appointment. It is better for everyone involved to cancel until you are symptom free for at least 24 hours.

  • Clients must be, at least, into the second trimester of their pregnancy to receive their massage. A doctor note is not required to receive massage, but please get your doctor’s approval to receive massage therapy during your pregnancy, especially if you are high risk or have any complications or concerns.

  • All clients must be 18 years of age or older.

  • No refunds are given for paid services, gift certificates, or the shop items. Exchanges on shop items are valid for 14 days.

  • No babies/children are allowed in the spa. Children are allowed in the shop during the shop hours as long as they are under your supervision. Please refrain from bringing guests to your appointments - if you must bring a guest, they are welcome to wait in our waiting area while you receive your service.